ePremium has partnered with your community. You are pre-qualified for our renters insurance policy at your community's preferred group rate.
NOTE: If you have already obtained renters insurance outside of ePremium that meets your insurance lease requirement:
Please select the effective date of coverage to begin the enrollment process for an ePremium Renters policy. Coverage will begin 12:01 AM CST on selected start date.
Same day effective date is only available for new residents with a lease move-in date corresponding with the effective date. If you do not qualify for same day effective date, please select a different effective date. If you do qualify for same day effective date, please read and check the no loss certification and lease acknowledgement below.
This Renters insurance product is provided by Millennial Specialty Insurance. Coverage will begin 12:01 A CST on selected start date.
Increase your Contents Coverage from your selected limit of to a higher limit for a few extra dollars:
Partnered Rental Location?
If, upon reviewing the partner location above, you find that, it is NOT associated with your address, , kindly reach out to us via phone to proceed with the enrollment process.